Smurfit Kappa – External Collaboration Platform

Client:Smurfit Kappa

Subject:External Collaboration Platform


Style:Standard Animation

Mission:Smurfit Kappa is one of the worlds leading providers of paper-based packaging. The External Collaboration Platform is a professional workspace for Smurfit Kappa’s employees to structure all communication regarding projects and processes.

The script.

As one of world’s leading providers of

paper-based packaging, working with external partners and customers can lead to a lot of administration. Different versions of documents, an overfilled inbox and people who are unaware of the latest updates, can become a big issue.

With the External Collaboration Platform,

Smurfit Kappa aims to structure and organise all communication regarding projects and processes.

No more use of “unsafe & unsupported” cloud software and less e-mail traffic. Does that sound like a good way of working to you? Smurfit Kappa’s External Collaboration Platform is a professional workspace, in which you can easily and safely collaborate with customers and suppliers.

Easy managing your files and project activities, anytime, anywhere. A personalised and online environment that makes working together simple, transparent and timesaving.

Ready for a new way of working: Contact your local

IT Department today!

Need something explained?

Fill in the form and we will get back to you within an hour.

Or just give us a call +31 (0)76-8867790 

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