Breast Care Foundation – KNOW YOUR BREASTS

Client:Breast Care Foundation


Style:Custom Animation


Story:The Breast Care Foundation started the campagin KNOW YOUR BREASTS to spread knowledge about the symptoms of breast cancer, both for woman and men. We received the task to visually represent the most common symptoms in a clear animation. Check the video to see how you can do a breast examination yourself and what abnormalities to look for.

The creation.

The Breast Care Foundation chose a Custom Animation to explain the 12 most common symptoms of breast cancer, for both women and men. Every symptom is visually represented, which makes recognizing one easier. The video is a step-by-step guide that explains how people can check their breasts at home.

For this animation we developed an entirely new design style with unique characters with bodies in all shapes, sizes and skin colors. This way the animation speaks to everyone, because unfortunately, a lot of people get breast cancer…

The animation is used in the KNOW YOU BREASTS campaign to spread awareness, and is displayed on the BCF website.

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The script.

In the Netherlands, one in seven women are diagnosed with

breast cancer. Over a 100 men per year are also diagnosed. Every year, more than 3000 people die from this disease. The earlier you discover an irregularity in your breasts, the bigger the chances of curing it.

That’s why it’s important that you

know your breasts. It allows you to recognize any possible symptoms and take action.

But how do you do that?

Check your breasts regularly. Stand in front of the mirror and look at them. Most signs are visible. So take a closer look and focus on the 12 most common symptoms that might indicate the presence of breast cancer.

Besides looking at your breasts, you can also feel them. Place your right arm behind your head and your left hand on your right breast. Close your fingers and stretch them. Make circular motions from the edge of the breast towards the nipple. Start at the top right of your breast, circle around and end where you began. Then check your nipple and the area around it. Gently pull your nipple forward: you shouldn’t feel much resistance. Repeat these steps for your left breast.

Do you have any doubts or concerns? Then make an appointment at your GP.

For more information please visit

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