Province Flevoland – Recreation
Increasingly we, Cooler Media, have been getting the question: how exactly do you produce your animations? By taking you through this case study we can explain the entire process step by step. What better way to do that than talking about the animations we produced for one of our coolest clients: the province of Flevoland.
Flevoland is the Netherlands’ youngest province. One way they live up to that label is in the way they communicate to their citizens. We helped them by producing a set of animations which enabled Flevoland to inform her citizens in a fun way about a variety of subjects. For example, we produced animations concerning culture, sport, the economy and recreation.
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Stijl:Custom made animation
Every animation starts with a short script: your pitch. In order to make the meeting in which we discuss the script (the Magic Meeting) effective, we ask you to do a little homework beforehand.
Naturally, the same happened for Flevoland. During the Magic Meeting with Flevoland we asked endless questions to a selection of Flevoland’s employees. We discussed everything under the sun. It is then the task of the designers, producers and script-writers to start making some sense of all that has been said. Three hours of hard work later and we presented our first ideas and first sketches! Due to this presentation the employees directly got a feel of the product. Consequently, they were able to give helpful and constructive feedback so we could improve this first draft even more. The meeting ended with consensus on the design and writing style!
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From Sketch to Visual Design
Back in the office our designers started fleshing out the basic designs digitally and transforming into the Visual Design (PDF). This shows what the animations will look like in the definitive version. Furthermore, for every one of the 21 shots we described the to be spoken text and how the animation is going to move.
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This is how we transform the basic sketches into visual design. Are you starting to get a picture in your head how the process works?
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Animation without sound effects
After the ‘go’ on the designs, it was finally our animators’ turn to start working. All of the individual shots were loaded into the animation software and then our magicians, animators, bring the visuals to life! We start with the bigger picture (shot to shot). This is followed by adjusting the rhythm to the text and visuals. Subsequently, this is also the phase in which the details of the animation are added. Such details are the caricatures’ expressions, movements by objects and backgrounds. The result: a first draft of the animation, with voice actors speaking the text but without sound effects.
For anyone who has turned the sound of in a horror movie, you know what a difference music and sound effects can make! Naturally, the animation is only really finished when our sound technician has worked his magic. Not convinced? Watch these videos and draw your own conclusion!
Final animation with sounddesign
Full set of animations
In this case, we actually produced a whole set of animations. Not just one! The steps incurred were, however, exactly the same. In order to do this efficiently, our creative team actually went on site and worked for several days at the Province headquarters. This ensured the best contact with the province and therefore the best result. Curious as to what else we produced for Flevoland? Watch the video’s!