Lankam Ltd. BioLoop Dispersing Agents

Client:Lankem Ltd.

Subject:BioLoop Dispersing Agents

Style:Custom Animation


Story:To promote their brand new product range, we amde a Customized Animation for Lankem explaining what the new products are and what they can be used for.

The script.

Introducing a new concept, to the industry. The Bio-loop dispersing agents by Lankem, are the first

biobased products that perform as excellent dispersants.

Our brand-new product range contains 3 products: A Bio-Loop that’s 100% Biobased, A Bio-Loop with tails and A Bio-Loop with tails and large anchoring groups. These products all work on the same principle. For example, if you wish to mix an insoluble particle with water, the bio-loop dispersants are able to latch onto the particle substrate. It then surrounds and coats the particle. Steric hindrance will then prevent re-agglomeration.

These products find application in: Aqueous, UV and other common dispersions.

From now on you can work with a product that is a totally new chemistry, has a great sustainability profile and superior dispersing properties over synthetic equivalents. Additionally, these

Bio-Loops are readily biodegradable with very low eco-tox and irritancy.

Want to learn more or request a sample? Go to:

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