Why do we know so little about our ocean?

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Cooler Media

Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

Why do we know so little about the depths of our ocean?



We humans are curious creatures, constantly looking for new information about the earth and space. But how much do we know about the ocean, since over 80% of the ocean has not been explored or even seen by humans! Find out in our latest AnyStory and learn a little more about the mysterious depths of our deep seas!

The creation

At Cooler Media, we dedicate a significant portion of our time to passion projects in the form of AnyStories. The only requirement: “Make it bold!”

The honor went to Robin to create the AnyStory Short about the depths of our ocean. The earth’s deep seas and oceans are impressive and mysterious. He tried to translate that into the design of the animation and did a very good job on that! The animation is mainly built up by 2D vectors, placed in a 3D environment in order to create a parallax effect that allows the viewer to experience the enormous scale of the deep sea to some extent.

In the “space scene” at the beginning of the video, two low-poly 3D models are incorporated. Something Robin wants to experiment with more often. Ultimately, he is most proud of the fact that the video feels like a whole, because of the color scheme and the design.

“I could really put my heart into it. If you know me, you can recognize my personal taste in the neon colors, compositions and geometry.”

– Creative Animator Robin

Our AnyStory knowlegde partners

The full script

Mankind travelled to the moon and back, mapped out 90 percent of mars’ surface, and climbed the Mount Everest as a tourist attraction. Exploring space and mountains? We’ve got it covered! But what about vast ocean depths? Well, that’s a different story.

More than 80 percent of our ocean has never been explored or even seen by humans. The Mariana Trench, the deepest known point on earth. A place that no single ray of sunshine reaches. Where currents are incredible strong, and saltwater corrosion eats away at equipment. Here, the pressure feels like the weight of fifty jumbo jets pressing on a human body. Unlike space no radio waves can be transmitted at this depth.

Still, researchers try to conquer these harsh conditions. To observe its remarkable inhabitants, or because of growing interest in deep sea mining. But perhaps more important, to learn more about “the lungs of the Earth”, since the ocean generates most of the oxygen we rely on to breathe. A place worthy to understand and explore!

Nick Bökkerink
Explanation Director

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