What are cookies?

When you visit our site, we place one or more cookies in your browser. By using our website you accept these cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information (files) that a website leaves on your computer. We use these cookies to improve our services and your experience with our website. Cookies can not damage your computer or files that are on your computer. A cookie does not contain name or address details or other personal information, such as credit card information provided.

Do you have any questions about our cookie policy?
Wat zijn cookies

How long are cookies active?

There are two types of cookies. These are session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are again removed from your computer as soon as you close your browser. Permanent cookies remain on your computer, even after your browser is closed. Cooler Media uses both cookies.

Cooler Media uses the following cookies

Necessary Cookies These cookies are necessary for the functioning and use of our website. This allows you to fill in a contact form, contact us via telephone and watch videos.
Analysis Cookies We need these cookies for measuring the visit to our website. In addition, we optimize our site.
Social media Cookies These cookies offer sharing options with social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.
Affiliate cookies With these cookies we measure the visit that comes to our site via selected partners.
CRM en Data Collective These cookies ensure that we gain insight into who visits our website and we are better able to contact them later.

To verify which cookies a site places on your computer, you can use the website https://www.cookiechecker.nl.

Discard and remove cookies

You can indicate via the settings of your browser (for example Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Opera) whether and, if so, which cookies you accept. It varies per browser where these institutions are located. Through the ‘help’ function of your browser you can find out the exact location and working method, or see the links below:

Keep in mind that if you refuse (certain) cookies, you may not be able to make full use of the functionalities of our website.

Cooler Media does not show third-party advertisements on its site. We advertise ourselves on third-party sites, such as Google with Google ads.

Julie van Rooij - Cooler Media

Julie van Rooij
Online Marketer

Lars Weijers - Cooler Media

Lars Weijers

Helen Berger - Cooler Media

Helen Berger
Creative producer

Daniel Visscher - Cooler Media

Daniël Visscher
Art Director

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