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We assist QHSE managers in raising awareness about workplace safety.
As a QHSE manager, workplace safety is your top priority. In addition to meeting legal obligations, your role involves proactively preventing unsafe situations by educating employees about safety measures, guidelines, and risks. Effective communication and fostering an open and positive safety culture are crucial to ensure the safety of all employees.
Cooler Media is dedicated to enhancing the safety culture within your company. By setting up a safety campaign, we translate your safety program into understandable and accessible communication tailored to each layer of the organization. Using animation, film, and design, we provide clear explanations on topics related to safety both in and around the workplace.
Our creative process starts by developing a content strategy based on your challenges and objectives. Then, we create a customized design style and safety mascot that form the foundation for all content. For each safety theme, we develop suitable content that you can use periodically. Throughout the campaign, we continuously analyse results and optimise the campaign for even greater safety awareness!
At Cooler Media, we specialize in explaining complex stories and issues. In doing so, we remove barriers and communicate in a language that everyone can understand. Because of our multiyear experience, we move swiftly and efficiently from strategy to creation and results.
Each collaboration starts with a strategic session, the Magic Meeting.
Based on this strategy, we develop and create everything you need to achieve your goals.
After delivering all the cool content, we implement the complete strategy for you.
Lars Weijers
Contact Lars for a free consultation at +31 (0)76 886 7790 or click the button below to schedule an appointment directly.
Let's chatSamen met onze klanten maken we veiligheid bespreekbaar op een informatieve én leuke manier. Met de inzet van veiligheidsvideo's, animatie, film, design, kleurplaten, kaartspellen, koffiebekers, sleutelhangers en nog veel meer andere visuele middelen dragen we bij aan de werkveiligheid en voorkomen we ongevallen op de werkvloer. Daar zijn we trots op!
Hollandia Industrial
Animatie, film, design, creatie veiligheidsmascotte, style guide, kaartspel en meer
Samen met Hollandia werken we sinds 2020 aan de veiligheidscampagne ‘Veilig denken, doen en tonen!’ om veiligheidsbewustzijn binnen de organisatie te vergroten. Met de introductie van veiligheidsmascotte Buddy en de inzet van zowel online als offline communicatiemiddelen brengen we veilig werken onder de aandacht bij medewerkers en hun naasten.
Lees meer over deze case Of praat met de art directorBallast Nedam Industriebouw
Animatie, film, design, creatie veiligheidsmascotte, kalender, social posts en meer
In de veiligheidscampagne van Ballast Nedam Industriebouw staat er ieder kwartaal een ander veiligheidsthema centraal. Met Bas Ballast in de hoofdrol maken we veiligheid bespreekbaar. Zo geven we uitleg over de life saving rules, zorgen we dat elkaar aanspreken gemakkelijker wordt en delen alles over handveiligheid.
Lees meer over deze case Of praat met de art directorHelloFresh
Animatie, design, creatie veiligheidsmascotte, style guide en meer
Door de snelle groei van maaltijdbezorgingsdienst HelloFresh ontstond er een grote uitdaging: het waarborgen van veiligheid op de werkvloer. Met een visuele 'Hello safety' campagne brengen we samen met Larry the Lime veilig werken in het magazijn en werkveiligheid in de logistieke hub onder de aandacht.
Lees meer over deze case Of praat met de art directorVB Groep
Veiligheid op de bouwplaats is belangrijk voor medewerkers, maar ook voor bewoners en omwonenden. Met animatie informeert VB Groep juist deze mensen over de mogelijke risico’s op het gebied van veiligheid. De animatievideo wordt getoond op bewonersavonden, zodat ook zij kunnen bijdragen aan het waarborgen van de veiligheid.
Lees meer over deze case Of praat met de art directorRWE
Animatie zonder voice-over
Energieproducent RWE streeft naar een veilige werkplek zonder bedrijfsincidenten. Binnen de campagne Mission Zero wordt onder andere animatie gebruikt om medewerkers te informeren over de 12 Life Saving Rules. Zelfs zonder voice-over wordt duidelijk en eenvoudig uitgelegd wat deze levensreddende regels inhouden.
Lees meer over deze case Of praat met de art directorBenieuwd naar alle visuele middelen die we in kunnen zetten om veilig werken bespreekbaar te maken binnen jouw organisatie? Bekijk dan onze toolbox voor jouw veiligheidsprogramma.
Explain your questions to our experts and gain immidiate insight into the possibilities for your company.
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Lars Weijers
[email protected]
Daniël Visscher
Art Director
[email protected]
Workplace safety is crucial for every organization. It’s not only essential for the well-being of employees but also for the overall success and sustainability of the company. A safe workplace is important for: A safety program is a concrete action plan with measures to improve the safety culture within an organization. This program prioritizes the health and safety of employees and is developed in accordance with legal obligations outlined in the Working Conditions Act, informed by a risk assessment analysis, and guided by the lessons learned from past workplace accidents. With a visual safety campaign, you communicate effectively and clearly about the safety measures outlined in a safety program, aiming to increase safety awareness and prevent unsafe behaviour. You can implement a safe working campaign in all organizations where safe working conditions are crucial for employees and other stakeholders. Think, for example, of safe working in construction, working with chemicals, working at heights, safe work in logistics, or workplace safety in healthcare. A safety campaign can consist of various visual communication tools, such as: The design and use of all these tools are predetermined in a strategic content plan, based on the requirements, challenges, and objectives of your organization. The Safety Culture Ladder serves as a tool for assessing an organization’s stage of development regarding safety awareness. A safety campaign can play a pivotal role in advancing up the Safety Culture Ladder. From level 3 onward, it’s essential for companies to demonstrate active internal engagement in adhering to regulations concerning workplace safety. Companies are expected to consistently prioritize safe working practices, such as implementing measures based on results from risk assessments. By implementing a work safe campaign, you make a continuous investment in enhancing safety awareness, an investment expected from level 4 onwards. As a company, you proactively work towards improving working conditions. By utilizing content in various ways, we ensure that knowledge about safety is not only shared on behalf of the employer, but it also becomes a topic of discussion among employees, fostering an environment where employees hold each other accountable for safety agreements. This way, employees can work together safely and enjoyably!
Frequently asked questions about safety